DVD Shito Ryu Kata, Hidetoshi Nakahashi, english. PAL: Vol.1 Vol.2 Vol.3 Vol.4
Series of 4 DVD about Shito Ryu Karate Kata. KATA and BUNKAÏ by Hidetoshi NAKAHASHI - 8th Dan, in english. Complete analysis of all kata. Interactive, shows all details. Each kata is shown in 5 ways: 1st. Video full face and in profile; 2nd. Video with detailed examination of difficult movements; 3rd. Video of the most important Bunkaï-secuences; 4th. Diagram and detailed list of all movements; 5th. The origins, significance and description of the kata. Vol.1: Pinan Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yodan, Godan, Naifanchin 1, Bassai-dai, Kosokun-dai Vol.2: Naifanchin 2, Wanshu, Jion, Seisan, Jitte, Kosokun-sho, Juroku, Seienchin Vol.3: Naifanchin 3, Jiin, Chinto, Bassai sho, Rohai, Niseishi, Sanchin, Nipaipo Vol.4: Tensho, Matsukaze, Gojushi-ho, Sochin, Seipai, Matsumura Passai, Ishimine Bassai.

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