DVD Series "KARATE JUTSU - Shotokan kata Bunkai", Bernard BILICKI Vol.1 Vol.2 Vol.3 Vol.4
DVD Series "KARATE JUTSU - Shotokan kata Bunkai", Bernard BILICKI, 8th Dan, PAL, all region, English and French. Sensei Bilicki is national expert FFkaraté, responsible for Karate Jutsu and was former European champion and national coach kumite for 7 years. In this series he exposes and shows in all detail complete and NEW VISIONS ABOUT SHOTOKAN KATA BUNKAI: "JUTSU style" comparing the Jutsu interpretation to the traditionnel bunkai showing both in detail: Vol.1 (70 min.): Bunkai of the 5 heian kata and tekki shodan. Vol.2 (65 min.): Bunkai of kanku dai - kanku sho - jion - jiin - jitte - meikyo. Vol.3 (65 min.) Bunkai of bassai dai - bassai sho - empi - chinte - tekki nidan - tekki sandan - gojushio sho. Vol.4 (85 min.) Bunkai of Hangetsu - Sochin - Gankaku - Unsu - Ni Jushi Ho - Gojushio Dai - Wankan
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