Book Complete Works of Shito-Ryu Karate Kata, Japan Karatedo Fed., english and japanese Vol.1 Vol.2
Series of three books Complete Works of Shito-Ryu Karate Kata, Japan Karatedo Fed., english and japanese. Size: 18 x 26 cm. Vol.1: 160 pages HEIAN SHODAN, HEIAN NIDAN, HEIAN SANDAN, HEIAN YONDAN, HEIAN GODAN, NAIFANCHI SHODAN, BASSAI(DAI), SEIENCHIN. Vol.2: 257 pages KOSOKUN(DAI), KOSOKUN(SHO), SHIHO KOSOKUN, CHINTO, SANCHIN, TENSHO, SEPAI, SOCHIN, NIPAIPO, MATSUMURA ROHAI.
Book Complete Works of Shito-Ryu Karate Kata, Japan Karatedo Fed., english and japanese Vol. 3 (BOK-303)
Series Complete Works of Shito-Ryu Karate Kata, Japan Karatedo Fed., english and japanese. Vol.3. Size: 18 x 26 cm: Jitte, Jion, Jiin, Matsukaze, Seisan, Shisochin, Gojushiho, Suparinpei.
Book EMPTY HAND The Essence of Budô Karate by MABUNI, Ken-Ei, english
Book EMPTY HAND The Essence of Budô Karate by master Keneï MABUNI, 10th Dan, son of Mabuni Kenwa (founder of the style), english, Ed. by Carlos Molina, Translated from Japanese by B. Winter, 14,5 x 21 cm, 232 pages. The Lifework of a Grandmaster of Karate. Budô is the path of the Japanese traditional martial arts. Mabuni Kenei has followed this path for almost eight decades until now. He belongs to the last masters taught directly by the founders of modern karatedô. The son and heir of Mabuni Kenwa – the founder of Shito ryu – has acquired a deep understanding of the essence of Karate as a budô art during his course of life. He communicates this extremely complex knowledge to the reader in a vivid and fascinating way. For this purpose he uses his own memories and experiences, technical descriptions, historical and philosophical considerations, legends and anecdotes of the lives of famous samurai and budôka (masters of sword fighting, aikidô, Okinawa-te and karate). For the beginner the ...
Book SHITO-RYU KARATE-DO ADVANCED KATA, Hidetoshi NAKAHASHI, 21 x 30 cm, 416 pages, English and French. Le Shitô-ryû est une école de karaté traditionnel et en tant que telle, elle donne une place prépondérante à la pratique des katas (enchaînements codifiés). Riches de nombreux katas issus des écoles originales d’Okinawa, il fallait bien un ouvrage de poids pour rendre hommage au second style, aujourd’hui en plein développement, de karaté de France. Ce livre présente 30 katas démontrés par la plus haute autorité européenne: Maître Nakahashi, 9e dan Kyoshi et représentant du style auprès de la Fédération française de karaté. Katas présents dans l’ouvrage: Jitte, Jion, Jiin, Passai sho, Naifanchin shodan, Naifanchin nidan, Naifanchin sandan, Kosokun sho, Itosuno rohai shodan, Wanshu, Chinto, Chintei, Gojushiho, Matsumura no-rohai, Wan kan (matsukaze), Sesan, Matsumura no passi, Sochin, Shisochin, Ni sei shinipaipo, Sei pai, Suparinpai, San chin, Ten sho, Aoyagi juroku, Chatanyara no ...
Book Complete Works of Shito-Ryu Karate Kata, Japan Karatedo Fed., english and japanese Vol. 4 (BOK-304)
Series Complete Works of Shito-Ryu Karate Kata, Japan Karatedo Federation Shito-Kai, english and japanese. Vol.4. Size: 18 x 26 cm, 260 pages: Wansyu, Matsumura Seisan, Shinpa, Ananko, Saifa, Kururunfa.