Book GOJU RYU KARATE - A VISUAL GUIDE TO KUMITE, Goshi Yamaguchi, english BOK-202
Book GOJU RYU KARATE - A VISUAL GUIDE TO KUMITE, Goshi YAMAGUCHI, 14,5 x 21 cm, 175 pages, english. Background of Kumite. Basic Practice of Kumite. Yakusoku Kumite. Jiyu Kumite. Traditional Kumite Techniques.
Book GOJU RYU KYOHAN, by master Gogen "EL GATO" YAMAGUCHI, 15,5 x 24,5 cm, 330 pages, english. Introduction: Before you start Kumite. Neko no Myujutsu. The Basics of Karate-Do. Hand. Leg. Positions. Seme Waza. Uke Waza. About Ibuki. How to Move. Kata. Sanchin, Yooi. Tensho. Fukyu Kata. Gekisai. Kaishu gata Saifa. Seinchin. Analysis of Kata. Seisan. Kumite of Karate Do. Warming up. Reinforcement. Karate Do and the Sai., etc...
Book JKF official KATA book GOJU KAI, Japan Karatedo fed., english and japanese New edition 2015
Book JKF official KATA book GOJU KAI, English/Japanese. Japan Karatedo Federation (JKF). Size: 18 x 26 cm, 291 pages. Teaching book for Official Kata Goju Kai: Preliminary exercises, Basic stances and waza, Chishi, Sashi, Tan, Kami, Kongoken, Sanchin, Gekisai 1+2, Saifa, Seiyunchin, Sanseru, Shisochin, Seipai, Seisan, Kururunfa, Suparinpei, Tensho, Vital Points. Clear fotos step by step for all Kata. From all angles of view, with clear instructions and examples of Kata Bunkai.
Book THE ART OF HOJO UNDO, Michael CLARKE, english
Book THE ART OF HOJO UNDO, Power Training for Traditional Karate by Michael CLARKE (7th Dan), English, 222 pages, 360 illustrations. Hojo Undo means ‘supplemental training’, and using these tools is the key for developing the devastating power of karate techniques. This book details how to construct and use many training tools; provides accurate mechanical drawings, comprehensive training methods, and an historical context to understand why Hojo Undo was created in ‘old’ Okinawa. Warm up exercises. Detailed construction drawings. Build your own Hojo Undo tools! Learn how to use the tools to develop devastating power. Link your increased power to fighting techniques. Hear what Okinawan Masters say about Hojo Undo training.
Book GOJU-RYU KATA SERIES vol.1, Japan Karatedo Gojukai Association, english and japanese BOK-203
Book GOJU-RYU KATA SERIES vol.1, Japan Karatedo Gojukai Association, Size: 18 x 26 cm, 231 pages - English/Japanese. Teaching book published for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Gogen Yamaguchi Sensei, founder and grand master of J.K.G.A.: Sanchin incl. bunkai, Taikyoku: Jodan 2, Chudan 2, Gedan 1, Kakeuke 1, Mawashiuke 1, Gekisai Dai-ichi incl. bunkai, Gekisai Dai-ni, incl. bunkai, Saifa incl. bunkai, Seinchin incl. bunkai, Sanseru incl. bunkai. Clear fotos step by step for all official kata from all angles of view, with clear instructions and examples of Kata Bunkai.
Book GOJU-RYU KATA SERIES vol.2, Japan Karatedo Gojukai Association, english and japanese BOK-204
Book GOJU-RYU KATA SERIES vol.2, Japan Karatedo Gojukai Association, Size: 18 x 26 cm, 232 pages - English/Japanese. Teaching book published for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Gogen Yamaguchi Sensei, founder and grand master of J.K.G.A.: TENSHO with Kakeawase, SEISAN, SHISOCHIN, SEIPAI, KURURUNFA y SUPERRINPEI with Bunkai. Clear fotos step by step for all official kata from all angles of view, with clear instructions and examples of Kata Bunkai.
Book CHRIS DENWOOD - Respecting the Old, Creating the New, English
Book CHRIS DENWOOD - Respecting the Old, Creating the New, English, 180 pages. A collection of lessons, thoughts & beliefs on the analysis of traditional karate for self-protection and personal growth'. This book is an accumulation of around five years work and is comprised of a selection of the authors articles and short philosophical thoughts on the analysis of traditional karate for civilian self-protection and personal growth. Heavily illustrated with over 230 pictures, covered in this book are 22 thought-provoking chapters on history, kata bunkai (analysis), training methods, theoretical study, pragmatic application, overarching concepts, in addition to some of the author's personal insights, experiences and stories.
Book Gogen Yamaguchi (The Cat): Emperor of the Scarlet Fist, paperback, english Paperback Edition
Book Gogen Yamaguchi the Emperor of the Scarlet Fist, english, 284 pages, 15 x 23 cm, Paperback Edition, written by Don Warrener. Filled with biographies of his top students and as well unwritten biographies of his teachers and their teachers teachers. Stuffed full of rare and some never before seen photos of the founder of Japanese Goju and his students plus a complete unbiased history of him from the womb to the tomb. The author Don Warrener has come up with yet another masterpiece on the man who brought America to its knees by his unusal charisma and his ability to mesmerize people. He was a very very special man and this book is the once and for all analysis of a truly great master of the martial arts. There are over 145 rare and many never before seen photos in this book as well. These have come from several different archives who have donated to this project.
Book THE WAY OF KATA, Lawrence KANE + Chris WILDER, english
Book THE WAY OF KATA - A Comprehensive Guide To Deciphering Martial Applications by Lawrence A. Kane and Kris Wilder, English, 310 pages, The Principles for Understanding Kata are Largely Unknown – Until Now. The ancient masters developed kata, or "formal exercises," as fault-tolerant methods to preserve their unique, combat-proven fighting systems. Unfortunately, they deployed a two-track system of instruction where an 'outer circle' of students unknowingly received modified forms with critical details or important principles omitted. Only the select 'inner circle' that had gained a master's trust and respect would be taught okuden waza, the powerful hidden applications of kata. The theory of deciphering kata applications (kaisai no genri) was once a great mystery revealed only to trusted disciples of the ancient masters in order to protect the secrets of their systems. Even today, while the basic movements of kata are widely known, advanced practical applications and sophisticated ...
Book SHIN GI TAI - Karate Training for Body, Mind and Spirit, Michael CLARKE, english
Book SHIN GI TAI - Karate Training for Body, Mind and Spirit, by Michael CLARKE (7th Dan), English, 300 pages, 339 illustrations.Prepare to have your beliefs challenged about what karate really is.Within these pages, you will discover traditional karate; along the way, perhaps many of your own beliefs about karate will be confronted. You might have a body capable of mastering karate’s physical techniques, but do you have a mind with a level of awareness that is able to grasp the true spirit of karate?For adults only. Regardless of how many people you can defeat in combat, the deeper aim of karate has always been to conquer your own ego, and by doing so, you increase the likelihood of avoiding conflict. When you can control your ego, you have a chance to establish peace in your life: this is the tradition of budo karate.Shin Gi Tai has a literal translation: mind–technique–body. A karate-ka’s mind (shin) must be developed ahead of his technique (gi) if he is to discover a sense of ...