DVD Lehrstunden, H.Kanazawa, original sound with subtitles in German Region Code 2, 100 min.
DVD SHOTOKAN KARATE DO - Lehrstunden by Shihan H. Kanazawa, 10th Dan (Recordings from courses given in Germany in the years 1992 to 1994): Kihon, Breathing techniques, Kihon Ippon Kumite, Jiyu Ippon Kumite, Kumite techniques, Hara, Kata: Gankaku-sho, Gankaku-sho bunkai, Seienchin
DVD 10.DAN KIHON, KATA KUMITE, H.Kanazawa, original sound, German Region Code 2, 80 min.
DVD SHOTOKAN KARATE DO - KIHON, KATA und KUMITE, H. Kanazawa, 10º Dan in German, 80 min.: Vorspann mit geschichtlichem Rückblick bis ins späte 18. Jh., Ausführliches Interview, Etikette, Atmung, Demonstration, Training, Heian Shodan, Heian Godan, Jion, Enpi, Kanku-Dai, Hangetsu, Jiin
DVD DAN KATA, Mastering Karate, Hirokazu KANAZAWA, English 76 min.
DVD DAN KATA, Mastering Karate, Hirokazu KANAZAWA, English, approx. 76 min. Introduction, Tekki Nidan, Tekki Sandan, Enpi, Kanku-Dai, Jion, Jitte. All kata are shown slowly with counting, with normal speed and kime from two different angles and with their applications (bunkai) and detailed explanations of master Kanazawa.
DVD 26 SHOTOKAN KARATE KATA, H.Kanazawa NTSC, all region, 95 min.
This DVD contains all 26 Shotokan Kata performed by the world-renowed master Hirokazu KANAZAWA, 10th Dan, chief instructor of Shotokan Karate International (S.K.I.). His profound ability to demonstrate Kata is reflected in this work and is not to be missed. NTSC, all region, approx. 95 min.
DVD KIHON, Hirokazu KANAZAWA, 10th Dan 55 min.
DVD KIHON, Hirokazu KANAZAWA, 10th Dan, 55 min. Hirokazu Kanazawa is with out doubt considered one of the top masters in the world today. On this DVD he deals with all the basic techniques of the hand the foot plus many combinations of his unique high quality Shotokan karate shot in 1985 these were done when he was in his prime: Breathing techniques, Uke waza, Tsuki waza, Keri waza, Tachi kata, Renzoku waza.
DVD KATA, Hirokazu KANAZAWA, 10th Dan 64 min.
DVD KATA, Hirokazu KANAZAWA, 10th Dan, 64 min. Kata + Bunkai. Hirokazu Kanazawa is with out doubt considered one of the top masters in the world today. On this DVD he deals with all the katas of Shotokan karate including 5 Heians, 2 Tekki's, Bassai Dai, Jion, Enpi, Kanku Dai, Bassai Sho, Kanku Sho, Jitte, Sochin, Gankaku, and Nijushiho, shot in 1985 these were done when he was in his prime.
DVD KUMITE, Hirokazu KANAZAWA, 10th Dan 56 min.
DVD KUMITE, Hirokazu KANAZAWA, 10th Dan, 56 min. Hirokazu Kanazawa is with out doubt considered one of the top masters in the world today. On this DVD he deals with all the areas of kumite including Gohon, Sanbon and Kihon Kumite plus Jiyu and self defence techniques of his unique high quality Shotokan karate, shot in 1985 these were done when he was in his prime.