Book KARATE-DO (WADO RYU), H. OTSUKA, paperback, Spanish
Book KARATE-DO by master Hironori OTSUKA, founder of Wado ryu, 17 x 24 cm, 384 pages, Spanish, paperback edition, 375 photos. Orígen, filosofía y preceptos de las artes marciales y del Karate-Do Wado Ryu. Técnicas de puño, de mano abierta (shuto), patadas, posiciones, ataques, defensas. Katas: Pinan Shodan-Nidan-Sandan-Yondan-Godan, Kushanku, Naihanchi, Seishan, Chinto
Book WADO-RYU KARATE UNCOVERED, by Frank JOHNSON, English, 15 x 21 cm, 88 pages. A unique book taking the reader into Japanese Martial arts like no other book before. The reader can almost feel he is there. The author, Frank Johnson, trained in Japan with past masters and has included technical information never before published in books in the West. For sure, whatever martial art you study, you will greatly benefit from this fascinating book.
Book WADO-RYU KARATE FIGHTING TECHNIQUES UNCOVERED, by Frank JOHNSON, English, 16,5 x 24 cm, 158 pages. This book is probably the most comprehensive book ever published about Wado Ryu's fighting techniques. From beginner level to advanced student and dan grade level advising and giving helpful tips from years of study and sweat! Includes speed training, reflex training, feints & tricks, power training, fighting techniques.Tips on competition and free fighting, kumite-Gata, Ohyo-Gumite, Kihon-Gumite, Sanbon-Gumite, body movements, angles of attacks and defences. Also many other aspects of this fascinating Art. The author Frank Johnson trained in Japan with the Wado-Ryu founder Hironori Ohtsuka and was editor of Wado-World magazine. Frank has an incredible insight into the Art of Wado-Ryu Karate. A must have for the Wado-Ryu/Kai enthusiast.
Book WADO-RYU KARATE THE COMPLETE ART UNCOVERED, by Frank JOHNSON, English, 17 x 24,5 cm, 236 pages. This book is for sure the most comprehensive book ever published on the Art of Wado-Ryu Karate in English language. It includes more than 1.100 photos, 17 Katas in full detail, Kihon Gumite no. 1 to 10, advanced fighting techniques, speed training, reflex questions and power training, basic movements, history, vital points, special exercises, knife defenses, kneeling and sword defence. Also many other aspects of this fascinating Art are uncovered. The author Frank Johnson trained in Japan with the Wado-Ryu founder Hironori Ohtsuka and was the editor of Wado-world magazine. Frank has a deep adn unique insight into the Art of Wado ryu Karate. This book is a must-have for the Wado-ryu enthusiast.
Book Kazutaka OTSUKA KIHON KUMITE WADO-RYU. FRENCH edition. 16x24 cm, 112 pages.
LE LIVRE :Ce livre s’inspire directement de l’ouvrage Karate-Do Dai Ni Kan publié en 1986 par le fondateur du Wado-ryu, Hironori Otsuka, et qui couvrait les kihon kumite 1 à 10 du style de karaté Wado-ryu.Kihon kumite est un exercice unique et fondamental de la méthode Wado-ryu. Il est difficile pour un pratiquant qui étudie les katas sans partenaire d’évaluer la distance entre les adversaires (maai) et d’évaluer le bon moment (hyoshi) pour l’attaque ou la défense. C’est après avoir fait cette constatation que le Fondateur emprunta certaines techniques du jujutsu Shinto Yoshin, qu’il avait étudié de longues années, et les mélangea avec des exercices de karaté pour pallier à ces problèmes d’évaluation de distance et de timing. Les kihon kumite sont de ce fait devenus les exercices que l’on pourrait situer à mi-chemin entre les katas et le kumite.Hironori Otsuka a développé son concept sous trois axes ...
Book KARATÉ WADO RYU KATAS, Roberto De Luca, F. Comparelli, spanish
Book KARATÉ WADO RYU KATAS, Roberto De Luca, Fabrizio Comparelli, Spanish, 17 x 24 cm, 256 pages. LA “ESCUELA DEL CAMINO DE LA ARMONÍA”. Wadoryu significa “Escuela del Camino de la Armonía”. La particularidad de este libro, único en su género, es el estudio y la presentación pormenorizada de los 15 katas de este estilo de kárate según los dictados de su fundador, Otsuka Hironori, así como un análisis exhaustivo de las raíces históricas del Wadoryu. La esmerada introducción filológica de cada uno de los katas ayuda a comprender la complejidad de estas obras de arte; además, el útil glosario de los términos utilizados en este estilo, presentados tanto en lengua original japonesa como en traducción, aporta un instrumento de trabajo imprescindible para karatecas y maestros.
Book KARATE-DO, by Tatsuo Suzuki, English
Book KARATE-DO, by Tatsuo Suzuki, English, 21 x 26 cm, 160 pages. Over 900 illustrations!This book is unique on the subject of karate, in that the author, Tatsuo Suzuki - 8th Dan Karate, was the Chief Instructor of the Europe Wado-Ryu and Chairman to the United Kingdom Karate-Do Wado Kai, and a man recognised as the World's expert - explains fully the method of training for everyone, from the beginner to the highest grade of Black Belt, in an original way. This book has long been out of print and is now available again, as a softback edition, with all the original black and white photos and original content as was first printed in 1975/1985. Karate has rapidly developed to International Status and World Karate Championships are now held annually, such matches being based on the fundamental Japanese principles and rules. In this book, Tatsuo Suzuki provides for ordered contests as well as free fighting (Jiyu Kumite), in that he carefully describes actual combat, giving more than 900 ...